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wenting @blogspot.com ♥
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hi!! I finally updated my blog!! haha!
Monday, September 15, 2008

Hey hey!! It has been a while be4 i begin to blog today!!!

First thing is mention is that................. I'm finally a Bible School Graduate....
Really wan to thanx God for His Amazing Grace and Unfailing Love throughout the whole of SOT.
Sometimes, when things seem impossible, He will make things happen for me. Once i cried out to Him, He will be there to intercede for me. Yea!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!!! SOT had indeed blessed me a lot; it really tells me that my journey with Him had just started with the skills i had equipped. There is so much things I haven done for His kingdom, for His glory. So yea!!! On the ball.....

Second, I'm struggling with SE IA.... Oh no!! But thanx God for frenz!!! Tx for being there to help me!!! Love ya!! =)

Third thing to mention is I'm on my way to promotion. But i really need to watch all my behavior and actions. Next time, i will be handling 40 plus people and no longer just 12 ushers under my care. How can I gain their respect if I'm not zai and din watch the way i carry myself.. Yep yep!! o my way to the change.. =)

My third point is veri similar to wat Pastor Kong mentioned to all the leaders yesterday. He sae that as leaders, we muz watch the way we behave, the way we dress up and be more creative. We muz live Jesus out in our life but not onli living the scriptures out- be more holistic. We must oso say we muz make an effort to do it and not everything go by faith. Indeed, the one hour video had indeed blessed me a lot. Yep yep!! Recently, i'm reachingout to an unbeliever in sch; she's rather potential. Yes!!! Let's me use my God- given creativity to reach out!! I paryed that Revival will begin to break off in City Harvest Church!!! in E376!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Haha!! I finally update my blog!!!!

Here is the lyrics of the song I like!!!

A Servant Heart (僕人的心)

我永 遠不會忘記
Wo yong yuan bu hui wang ji

Zhu ni na feng fu en dian

Ru jing wo zai tian fu huai zhong

Yin wei ni she xia zi ji

Ni bu kan wo de guo qu

Zhi shi wan quan jie na wo

Zhu ni de ai he deng wei da

Wo de xin wan yuan rong hua

Wo qing ai jiu zhu

Wo xin he deng gan xia

Ni dan dan zai yi

Wo zhe ai ni de xin

Wo yuan yi sheng

Zhui qiu geng sui wo zhu

Qian bei wei ni fu shi zhe shi jie

Wo qing ai jiu zhu

Wo yao yi sheng jing bai

Zai wo sheng ming zhong

Ni shi wei yi de ai

Hao wu bao liu

Wo yuan xian shang suo you

何等渴慕能為你而活 He deng ke mu neng wei ni er huo

ye su wo zhu

I think the Chinese version made a larger impact!!! Yep yep!! Take a look!!!

These days are extremely tough to me!!! I hardly find any free time for myself to relax..
Every day, every hour study, study, study or work work work!!
Kinda tired!!!
Refresh me ya???
I need ur strength as my strength is too limited..

Moreover, something happened that really distract me!!
The frenz ard me?
yes yes!!!
But shall not mention names!!!
But seriously, i think it's the devil that gives me such thoughts...
As long as i know I'm living in submitting to God can le!!!!
Out of all that had happened, I long to know God's character more and more!!!
He had only revealed to me some of them..
But it's not enuf...
I want more!!!!!

* True friends are there when you are uo and down!!! They will encourage when you are down. They will encourage you when you did something wrong! They wun despise and leave you when you did something wrong or unpleasing to them! A true friend will always try his ir her very best to help you to change with a better one!! Are you one of them???

"Clinging on your cross, I follow you!!!"
Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I'm back!!!!

I'm back from a wonderful place called Kedah, SP!!!!! Was so happy with that place that i dun feel like coming back!!! Haha!!! Jus kidding jus kidding! If i dun come back, how abt my studies? my ushers? my cgm? my family? and my future husband? Haha!!!

I really wan to thx Pst Daniel and the co- staff over there like my xiao di, Zi hao and Shaun, the one and onli faithful driver, Joseph, my entertainer, Wei Xiong, Sze Fen Jie and etc ..... Thanx for the food and accommodation and of course, ur accompany!!! My nite is nv fun without u guys!! the games will nt made perfect without ur help. the fun and laughter we have will nv be there without u guys!!!

I rmb the first nite when i go and check out the place. I saw Pst Daniel.. Oh man!! the 23 year old pastor is walking towards me!!! oh no!!! he's so gd looking can??? haha!!!! was captured by his appearance. But actually, i think i shld be the glory in him ba... yea!!! Then, Joseph went ard to help us find some logis stuff. haha!! so funny. i almost went inside his room!!! wah!!! but can c is quite messy...

after tat, we went back to our bungalow hse top settle some other stuff while some went back to church to settle some admin stuff. was discussing till we start playing and watching video on our church's praise and worship!! Wow!! these ppl in Kedah really love our church and Pastor Kong... After a few hrs, everyone went to bed while i was talking to Zi hao and playing the guitar at the same time. He was sharing with me how hard they really work the impossible; how to co[pe with the exam stress and the design of the church mini emerge flyer and do up some preparation. Oh man!!! i salute them can??? i can really sense the excitement in them, the passion they have in them for the church,as well as, following the vision of their pastor! On that ver nite, i heard that there will be 300 over ppl for their mini emerge. Wow!!! in the first place, we were told that ther is onli abt 200. But God is good!!! He's able to work miracles for GMC.. I also heard that one church member brings 4 to 5 frenz.. Wow!!! i was there thinking if one CHC mbr brings 4 to 5 frenz, then our church will hit 120,000 in attendance.. Wow!! massive revival leh!!! they really spur me up!!! and then God remind me a verse; is something abt the fig tree with no fruit. A tree with fruit will be casted away. oh man!!! me???? cast me??? oh no!!!!

besides that, was inspired by the leaders or co staff in GMC. Like Joseph and shaun, they are really a living testimony. They were once gangster; someone who smoke, involve in drug.... but now, shuan is a CGL with lots of mindy ideas while Joseph is one of the right hand man for Pst Daniel.. So proud of them....

Oh ya!!! i receive a revelation fro Shaun as well. He told me at a critical period of time, he was asking himself "What's he seeking for in life?" He really spur me to think more. But just the surface understanding but go in depth... But i'm still thinking la... hah!!!!!

PART 2..... to be continued tml!!!! BB
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hey hey....

A lot of things to blog but.............. have some more impt things to blog abt...

1. mY result

I got back all my result le... Wow!! A shock of my life!!!! i din do veri well... But nvm!!! God's promise nv fail to come true in my life... Shall carry on living with his promises. =) mnow

2. my Days

I'm in bible sch now!!! each and every day is a great encounter with God. I really learnt a lot of things. Currently, i stil finding the pic so that i can express more on my blog. (U guys wait huh!!!)

3. my Ministry

I'm in a great ministry now!!! Usher ministry which really mould my character.

4. my Relationship

I'm having healthy relationship with my members, team and family. As in BGR, i din really care... but sometimes, i'm worried when i see female leaders in my ministry unattached... but believe that a great one is looking out for me!! Haha!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Finally, Our Name is Out!!!!

We are the Twelve!!!!!

Indescribable friendship!!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

It has been abt a month be4 i start blogging again.. Joyce, Tx for reminding..

Project after project, Exams after exams.. Oh man!!! I simply dislike such lifestyle... Life seemed so hectic that I simply tired, burnt out. Each and every day, i really struggle to kip the oil inside me burning.. Even if it's near empty, I just continue to motivate myself.... Here I am now!! An Alive gal!!! Tx to Yihan, Daniel, Michelle and Charis... Tx for sharing with me what God asked you to share with me... I will do wat God had told you guys, i will try my best to be more discipline... Each and every day, i will receive a new revelation from God, a new vision that God had gave, a dream that onli God can help me to fulfill... Really tx a lot.. Tx for the time ; ur time to share with me what God had told u .... It's always so nice to be ard u guys.. Surely i said; Wenting will become a renewed one from Today onwards; no longer one who is always caught with pile and pile of work, struggled with time management but one who follow the will God had sent me!!! Heard fro Lau da, He jus so refreshed and recharged after every intercession with God...

I oso wan to tx Joyce.... Gal huh!! Tx for always being there to encourage when i'm really facing challenges and struggles... Tx a lot.. And tx for all ur time with me; out in the wee hrs studying at Mac is the most memorable scene i will rmb... Yea!!! But gal, do voice out if u cant take it ya?? I really dun wan you to tire urself out. Dun be like me; i almost fall into the devil's trap of spending more time doing the things in the natural realm than spending or dwelling or even soaking in The presence of God.. Jia you gal!!!

Bb.... Go off to read my bible le!!! Will update asap